Everyone wants a richer life!
We’d like to become rich and enjoy everything possible on Earth.
We’d like to have enough money to retire and do the only things that we really love.
But to reach this goal, we need to go from “ I Would... “ to “ I Want…” and start doing what is necessary to do.
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In this post, I want to share with you 7 tips that you MUST implement in your life if you want to become wealthy but, before going deep into them, let’s agree on the meaning of personal finance.
Well, we can say that personal finance is the financial management that a person or a family performs to budget, spend, save, and invest their money taking into account the possible risks and future scenarios in their life.
It also refers to banking, mortgage, insurance, and retirement planning.
As you can see, it’s of utmost importance, and doing it correctly can make the difference in being financially free or a debt slave!
Even if you went to school and college, you probably didn’t get the practical skills necessary to become financially free.
You were told to get educated and get a good job and you would be done but it’s not that simple.
We have so many examples of people who earn a lot of money and end up deep in debt. Why?
Because it is not just about earning money but how you use it.
Budgeting is extremely important.
So in this post, I want to tell you 7 personal finance tips that will help you to reach your financial goals.
Reaching your financial goals it’s not only about saving money and living a frugal life!
I don’t like such an approach as I firmly believe that life must be lived in the best possible way. As always, what you need is balance.
Don’t just save money doing nothing in your life and don’t only live day by day saving nothing.
A better way is to increase your income.
Find another way to generate an additional income and even two or three. There is no limit to this.
You will see that as you start becoming richer you are going to have multiple streams of income. This is normal and it’s the way the rich become richer.
How to create new income?
Nowadays there are infinite ways. I like to use the Internet as it is the most effective way to leverage my skills but you can also find a part-time job or offer to do something during your spare time in exchange for money.
Open your mind and look for opportunities!
Saving money is extremely important.
Once you start earning some money you must save at least 20-40% of it and set it aside in a savings account ready to be used for something good.
You must have money working for you.
Your money is going to generate other money if you put it in something that generates an additional income or generates a surplus.
For example, I personally use my savings to generate extra income with Options Trading.
I have created a complete course on it to teach you exactly what I do to generate an extra 2-4% per month from my savings.
You can check it out here.
The more you save the more you can earn from it.
How can you do that?
Start saving first and then with the money left, adapt your lifestyle.
Somebody calls this, pay yourself first!
As this money is going to be your future best asset, start creating it as soon as possible.
For example, you might start drinking less coffee or eating out a bit less. You name it.
Still, I am not saying you have to live frugally but just be careful and aware of it. Remember, balance is all.
Create an Emergency Fund is vital
What is an emergency fund?
Well, it can be your saver!
Look at what has just happened in the world with this Covid pandemic.
A lot of people have lost their jobs and had no money to pay their bills!
Unfortunately, even if you try to foresee everything in your life, you can never know exactly what is going to happen.
But you can try to do your best and, saving money to face these unpredictable events, is crucial.
Start creating your emergency fund immediately and plan to save from 6 to 12 of your monthly expenses.
Budgeting can make your life easier.
It helps you understand where your money goes.
It helps you identify your needs and wants.
You don’t have to catalog every penny but you must know what your bills are, how much you spend on your mobile or your rent or your clothes.
You can decide how much money you want to save every month and see if you are on track or not.
There are many apps and spreadsheets that can help you with budgeting.
Choose your favorite, not too complicated, and go for it.
SECTION 6: Use The Power Of Compound Interest
Compound Interest is going to make you rich
Compound interest is your best friend.
It is the addition of interest to your principal sum of money.
It is the result of reinvesting money, rather than paying it out, so interest in the next period is earned on the principal sum plus previously accumulated interest.
It’s interest on interest.
And the best part of it is that it is exponential.
The more time you have, the better.
Even a small amount of money at a 10% interest can become millions in years.
So, the sooner you start investing, the better it is.
Have a look at this calculator and play with it. You will be surprised!
Bad things can happen in life.
Ensure your assets and yourself if you are responsible for other people’s lives.
A bad event can be catastrophic for your finances.
Be prepared and evaluate your real needs.
It’s better to pay a yearly amount for life insurance than leave your spouse and children without incomes with mortgage and bills to pay!
Be wise.
Debt is not always bad.
We have bad and good debt. It all depends on how you use it.
For example, let’s say you like a new car.
You have seen it in the store and you really want it. You don’t have money to buy it so you ask for a loan.
The credit is being accepted and you get your new car AND a new 400$ monthly payment to pay the bank for the borrowed money.
That’s bad debt.
But, what if you start occasionally renting out your brand-new car and get an extra 400$ from it?
Now somebody else is paying for your car and when you finish paying the debt you will have an extra 400$ in income!
This is good debt! It’s always how you use it.
Do you get the point? Always look for good debt.
SECTION 8: Conclusion
You have just seen the most important points you have to integrate into your life if you are looking for financial freedom.
You cannot see yourself as wealthy if you don’t master these points.
Any rich person on Earth uses these basic principles. These are the pillars of your richness.
Start applying them right now and you will start seeing results from month one!
Thank you for reading
Have a joyful day
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